Wednesday, September 25, 2024

5 Beginners Tips for Camping with Kids

Nature sounds, cool (or warm) temperatures, eating outside, sleeping on the ground, and experiencing the wonder of the outdoors with your children, what could be better… or worse?

Camping with children has the potential to be a wonderful or fairly rough experience; we’ve had some of both.  Planning and thoughtful packing, along with realistic expectations are essential in setting you and your family up for success.  
Here are some tips to help you think and prepare to try camping with your children:

1. Start small, and if possible, when your kids are small.  
  • Your first camping adventure with kids doesn’t have to be far from home or elaborate. Even if you are an experienced camper, add children to the experience changes nearly everything. How about a trial run at a local state park or even the backyard before embarking on a multi-night remote adventure? This trial run will help with confidence for a longer more complex experience, as well as help you fine tune your packing list. 
  • Starting when your children are small allows them to grow up with camping as a family norm. Honestly, there are some advantages to waiting until the kids are old enough to help and understand the camping experience, but I feel like it is worth it to start when they are young. As they say “the days are long but the years are short.” Now that we have a couple teenagers, I agree… and I am thankful for the many camping trips with littles as well as still being able to experience the outdoors with my children.
2. Research and Plan!  
  • Where do you want to go?  
  • What’s the weather like?  
  • Are you going to tent camp, glamp, or try an RV?  
  • Can it snow in June? (In Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain, Glacier - yes)  
  • How warm/cold is too warm/cold to be comfortable for sleep? 
  • Is low 40s in April in North Carolina going to be comfortable for my toddler in the middle of the night?  (Probably not)
  • Should I bring heavy jackets when camping in the Rockies in summer? (Yes) 
  • What is the bathroom and water situation?  
Make sure to plan for where you are wanting to go. Thinking through possible scenarios and options on the front end allows you to prepare well for the conditions.  This is always important, but extra important when you’re responsible for children.  There are popular stickers that say things like “I’m done adulting, let’s go camping” - I don’t think these could possibly be referring to camping with children - someone better do a good amount of adulting otherwise everyone will be hungry, uncomfortable, and ill prepared.  

3. Pack for comfort.
  • Sleep - Does your baby or toddler sleep well in a Pack-n-play? Get a tent large enough to accommodate it. Does your child have a favorite blanket, snuffy, or pillow? Bring it. How do you sleep on the ground?  It might be wise to invest in a better sleeping pad or cot… because parents also need a goodnight’s sleep. No ready to invest in a tent?  You can rent camping equipment, an RV, or reserve a “glamping” tent or Yurt.
  • Food - Camping food can be adventurous or simple. If your kids are new to camping, it could be wise to keep food familiar. We also like to pack snacks… so many snacks. *Remember NO food, or other smelly items, in your tent. Different campground have different specific regulations regarding food storage - usually in a vehicle or bear box. Follow all campground guidelines.
  • Shoes and Clothing - Pack for the weather and bring layers. An extra change or clothes and shoes beyond what you think you need is usually a good idea, just in case.
4.  Prepare to be flexible. It’s ok to change your mind.  If it is pouring, you’re 1000+ miles from home, and the tent filled with water as your attempted to set it up - there is no shame in booking a hotel for the night. It’s your trip, you can change your plan whenever you want - it’s too hot/cold/wet, you forgot a key piece of equipment, the campground wasn’t what you expected…you’re allowed to change your mind. The goal is to set yourself up for success, especially the first few times you camp with your kids.

5.  Have proper expectations. Practicing, planning, and thoughtful packing can help set you up for success when camping with your children.  Proper expectations are also essential. In our experience, there isn’t much sleeping in when camping with children. Also, one of us usually goes to bed, or at least heads to the tent, when our youngest is ready to sleep, so not so many late night campfires in this season. Our camping meals are simpler, yet still seem to take longer to make and clean up when we camp with the kids. Our hikes are shorter and less strenuous. However, in my opinion, it is completely worth it.  
Reading a good story aloud in the tent as the kids fall asleep, stargazing on a dark cool night in a park with dark skies, waking up beside a babbling brook, opening the tent flap to majestic vistas, playing card games, playing in creeks, playing in the dirt/sand, spending time together with family and friends - these are the memories that I hope my children take with them into adulthood from our many camping adventures.   

Do you have any tips to add?  

*All information is based on our experience at this park and is provided for information and entertainment only, not as professional advice. Reading and using information from More Than Scenery as well as any travel/hiking/camping is at your own risk.  Accuracy is important to me, but park rules and conditions change constantly.  If you find an error, please let me know so that I can correct it.
Unless stated otherwise, all images are my (Jessica Branch) own and I hold the copywrite.  Please get permission before using any images or text from More Than Scenery.